26 January,2017 by Tom Collins
Question: What’s the difference between the db2diag log and the DB2 instance nfy administration log file?
Answer: In summary:
The Administration notification log (nfy ) file reports on a significant event for a DB2 instance.
The db2diag log presents diagnostic details about errors. When troubleshooting a db2 error the db2diag log files has detailed information, The level of detail is reliant on the DIAGLEVEL applied to the instance
The level of information in the nfy file usually is accompanied by the DB2 error code. Typical activity recorded is storage issue, indexing activities and DB2 table errors. For a full list of activity covered check the DB2 documentation
The db2diag log also presents detailed Error codes and indicators to dump and trap files. If the DBA is skilled enough they can use this information but is also used when contacting IBM support. Read more on Analyzing a DB2 trap file
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