23 May,2016 by Tom Collins
A common problem for managing TSMAMP DB2 high availability is how to deal with non DB2 maintenance. An example is OS patching.
Let's say there is a 2 node clustering architecture set up. The OS administrators will want to patch the servers, but there is a requirement to maintain uptime on the DB2.
If using TSAMP a straightforward plan, could be based on these steps
The basic idea is to change the Automation mode to manual mode .
# samctrl –M T
# lssamctrl
You can also use the lssam command. A status line appears indicating Automation=manual.
Step 4 : Re – enable automation mode (Automation = Auto)
#samctrl –M F
TSAMP maintenance and diagnostics (DBA DB2)
How to view harvested user defined storage resources for TSAMP ...
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