16 March,2016 by Tom Collins
If DB2 LUW is installed on a Windows server and there is a Windows Server host name , the services supporting DB2 will not start. Some changes need to be made to allow DB2 to start.
You will see errors in Event Logs some examples may be :
The DB2 - DB2COPY3 - DB2-0 service terminated with service-specific error %%-1022.
The workaround I’ve used to allow DB2 LUW 10.1 and above is :
>> Find and open db2nodes.cfg . Using a text editor change the old host names to the new host name
>> Open a Windows cmdline and execute:
db2extsec –r db2extsec /a DB2ADMNS /u DB2USERS
>>Restart the server
In case you’re wondering about the purpose of db2extsec ,then the reason is there is a security feature which prohibits you from making the registry changes. Using the commands relating to db2extsec completes similar to below
>> Open Windows cmdline and open “regedit”.
>>In regedit the following keys values need to be changes. You’ll need to change the reference to the old Windows hostname to the new Windows hostname
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Windows Server Uptime and Net Statistics Server - DBA DB2
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