25 February,2016 by Tom Collins
Question : The row length of the table exceeded a limit of "32677" bytes. can you give me some advice on
how to deal with this problem?
the error code associated with the message is
I'm using DB2
Answer: Without knowing any extra details , I would guess you are attempting to add a column or extend
an existing column which is causing the size to be greater than 32768 bytes.
The way you approach the problem will depend on what you are attempting to do. For example, if you are executing a create\alter on a table, then use a tablespace with a larger space size. This may mean you'll either need to recreate the tablespace with a larger pagesize or create an alternative tablespace where you can store just this table. Either way , at this level of DB2 you'll need to make this adjustment
There are some instructions in this post on Changing DB2 database pagesize
Another tactic is to reduce the rowlength by either deleting a column or reducing the size
For full details on this error message check SQL0670N on the IBM site
Some other posts on managing DB2 tablespaces
DB2 – How to check if autoresize is enabled
Db2 reduce tablespace with ALTER TABLESPACE REDUCE - DBA ...
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