20 January,2016 by Tom Collins
Question : I have a TSAMP installation and require to make a SAMP change. Prior to making the change I’d like to backup the existing SAMP policy and have the file available in case of a mistake or a High Availability Incident .
How can I backup the SAMP policy ?
Answer: It is good practise to save the SAMP policy document. Place it in a location different from the active server. I’ve followed this practise and it’s useful in an HA outage. I use it to doublecheck the live version with the backup version and see if there are any differences.
The command to use for backing up the TSA SAMP policy document is :
TSAMP Cheat Sheet for DBA managing DB2 clustering - DBA DB2
Tivoli Storage Automation for Multiplatforms(SA MP) and the shared disk approach
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