30 December,2015 by Tom Collins
Once the Tivoli Storage Automation for Multiplatforms(SA MP) and the shared disk approach with DB2 is set and configured, the DBA needs to manage the cluster. There are hundreds of TSAMP and RSCT commands, but these ones will give you a quick start .
Determine TSAMP version
# samversion
View cluster status
# Lssam
Monitor cluster continuously
#lssam -top
List SAMP control parameters
Check domain status
# Lsrpdomain
Check node status
List all defined relationships
# lsrel –Ab
List active tiebreaker
lsrsrc -Ab -c IBM.PeerNode
Disable high availability clustering
# db2haicu -disable
Enable high availability clustering
# db2haicu
Manual failover (from active node,as root)
# rgreq -o move -n <nodename> <DB2 instance resource group>
# rgreq -o move -n cluster_node1
When a resource is marked as failed offline:clear the state and return that resource to normal operation
# resetrsrc -s 'Name =="resource1"' IBM.Application
# resetrsrc -s "Name like 'db2_db2inst1_0-rs' AND NodeNameList in {'db2server1'}" IBM.Application
Reset all resources
resetrsrc -s 'Name like "%"' IBM.Application
Manual restart of DB2 instance when TSA is enabled
Starting/Stopping your domain - stop your cluster for maintenance etc
# stoprpdomain <DOMAIN_NAME>
# startrpdomain <DOMAIN_NAME>
Stop your domain without taking all your resources offline first
In this case you would have to force the domain to stop. Prior to forcing the stop you should change CritRsrcProtMethod to 5 to ensure that no reboots occur due to daemons exiting abnormally:
--change the value of CritRsrcProtMethod
# chrsrc -c IBM.PeerNode CritRsrcProtMethod=5
# stoprpdomain -f <DOMAIN_NAME>
How to use large BLOB/CLOB in HADR
Tivoli Storage Automation for Multiplatforms(SA MP) and the shared disk approach
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