DB2 move fenced user home directory

12 November,2015 by Tom Collins

Question: I’d like to move the DB2 fenced user to a different location. The OS is Linux. There is a bug in the client application which when using DB2 and the fenced user home directory is in the same  path as DB2.

Answer:   It is an easy process . The first step is to find out the fenced user. You can identify the fenced user with the command:

Db2pd –fmp | grep –i fenced

The you can use the Linux command : usermod -m -d /path/to/new/login/home/dir  . This command changes  user home directory to a new login directory.

Option –d creates the directory if it does not exist. Option –m moves the contents of the existing user home directory into the new home directory

Once you’ve completed the usermod change , go back to the db2pd command and verify the fenced user.


Read More on Linux and DB2

db2start at start up on Linux - DBA DB2

db2pd troubleshooting guide - DBA DB2


Author: Rambler(http://www.dba-db2.com)


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