Question: The DIA8400C A bad page was encountered message appeared in the db2diag.log file MESSAGE : ZRC=0x86020001=-2046689279=SQLB_BADP "page is bad" DIA8400C A bad page was encountered. Object descriptor, PD_TYPE_SQLB_OBJECT_DESC, 104 bytes Obj: {pool:5;obj:5;type:0} Parent={5;5} How can I investigate further ? Answer: From the information provided , the first thing is to check the database object in question. In the example you’ve presented – It’s the TablespaceID = 5 and TableId = 5 . This query will display the database object db2 "select char(tabname,20), char(tabschema,20) from syscat.tables where tableid=5 and tbspaceid=5" Once you’ve identified the object – there are two utilities... Read more →