30 December,2014 by Tom Collins
To view the linux swap space and usage ,use one of these commands
Swapon –s Cat /proc/swaps
Monitoring the Linux swap space is important as the usage levels are a good indicator more memory may be required.
The general rule of thumb for the Linux swap space sizing , based on the IBM DB2 database product documentation, is 25% - 50% of physical RAM. It’s a guideline figure , and the DBA will need to do some memory usage planning.
If you're seeing constant swapping , then organise some extra memory. To view swapping use this command:
vmstat 3 100
Focus on the si and so columns. This shows paged in and paged out on the disk.
One of the reasons for the relatively high % of swap space is to accommodate unanticipated memory over commitment. In the modern database server environment, there are all sorts of DB2 features out-of-the-box requiring extra memory plus systems administrators like to install various management agents and probes to manage systems .
Linux top greater than 100 percent - CPU - DBA DB2
DB2 and Linux IO testing tools
Linux Server OS information - DBA DB2 - DBA-DB2.com
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