14 February,2014 by Tom Collins
Question: Why do some sql queries use a read-only clause? Is there any performance gain by using the read only clause?
Answer:Sometimes you will see a sql statement such as :
Select name from mytable for read only
The purpose of using the read only clause is to make the cursor unambiguous. When the read only clause is used , positional updates cannot occur
By unambiguous I mean : Normally the SELECT is turned into a cursor. If the cursor is explicitly defined as a READ ONLY – “blocking” is used. “Blocking” means the DB2 server sends groups of rows across to the client. Normally DB2 only shows this behaviour on non updatabable cursors e.g joins
The potential result in a multi user environment is to decrease throughput – as more users are allowed to take shared locks
Performance Tuning series – Performance Stack
Database Tuning overview – Hardware Tuning
OLTP checklist for DB2 configurations.
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