30 January,2014 by Tom Collins
Question: How do I schedule a cron job (or crontab job) for for the first Sunday of every month?
Answer: To schedule a job to run on the first Sunday of every month , use the crontab example as a template.
This example executes a script at 2am on a Sunday where the day of the month is between 1 and 7. Adjust according to your needs
Before we look at a solution - a couple of notes around potential gotchas when it comes to creating a cron job
The relationship between day of month and day of week fields are OR , not AND. I have been caught out by this previously.
00 02 1-7 * * [ "$(date '+\%a')" == "Sun" ] && /usr/local/bin/once_a_mth_first_Sunday --every Sunday of first 7 days of the month , --cron reference --min --hour --day of month --month --day of week
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