01 November,2013 by Tom Collins
As a DBA you are busy , so make an effort to leave a detailed out of office message. Your responsibilities may cover Production Support, tuning , capacity planning, consulting, programming, and anything database related from the Enterprise application through to storage. When you go on holiday – it’s the end of the world!
That is nonsense. No need for panic! A well organised and risk aware IT organisation plans ahead and business continues as normal. That’s the theory.
In practise , you may have a certain level of experience and specialities – where there isn’t backup. But usually there’s enough knowledge to cover the basics. Out of office replies are a useful way to convey the spread of knowledge. And importantly - DBA stress reduction
Some IT staff leave simple out of office replies – such – “I’ll reply on my return” . Is it useful? It depends on the urgency and organisation. I’ve decided recently to leave more useful responses, such as the template below.
I am currently out of the office, returning on Monday , October 20th . For general SQL Server\Oracle\DB2 help while I am away, please contact Tom Reid or Steve P. For any Business intelligence queries, contact John K or Steven Mallory For any Enterprise Application help, contact Simon Dixon If you require managerial help or Change request approvals contact Greg Wise. If you have an urgent PRODUCTION issue contact the Service Desk to report the problem. The Service will create an incident and will work with First Level DBA and if needed, contact Operations or the DBA team for elevated support. As a priority keep the DBA team aware of the problem and solution I’ll respond to all other queries upon return. Thanks!
Let me know what out of office replies you leave
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