SQL2025N An IO error -50 occurred on media TSM

13 August,2013 by Tom Collins

Question: During a scheduled DB2 backup the SQL2025N appeared


db2 backup db MYDB online use TSM include logs

SQL2025N  An IO error -50 occurred on media TSM.


Some extra information:

1)     The backup has been running as expected for the last few months

2)     The DB2 backup occurs during a busy backup window


Answer:  There are a number of configurations to check , such as any recent firewall changes.

If no changes occurred which block the backup , try increasing the COMMTIMEOUT and IDLETIMEOUT parameters

From the Tivoli TSM documentation :

The COMMTIMEOUT option specifies how long the server waits for an expected client message during an operation that causes a database update. If the length of time exceeds this time-out, the server ends the session with the client. You may want to increase the time-out value to prevent clients from timing out. Clients may time out if there is a heavy network load in your environment or they are backing up large files.

The IDLETIMEOUT option specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that a client session can be idle before the server cancels the session. You may want to increase the time-out value to prevent clients from timing out if there is a heavy network load in your environment. Note, however, that a large number of idle sessions could prevent other users from connecting to the server.

Increase the COMMTIMEOUT and IDLETIMEOUT parameters located in the dsmserv.opt file on the TSM server or dsm.sys

I normally change the COMMTimeout to a large number such as 6 hrs (21600)


COMMTimeout   (seconds)

IDLETimeout       (minutes)

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Author: Rambler(http://www.dba-db2.com)


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