30 March,2013 by Tom Collins
Question : I recently received a query from an application owner, who reported application outage issue.
An inspection of the db2diag.log file found this message. How can I solve this problem?
DIA3208E Error encountered in TCP/IP protocol support. TCP/IP function "close". Socket was "3". Errno was "9". Errno was "9".
Answer: The DIA3208E Error encountered in TCP/IP protocol support message indicates multiple db2tcpcm processes. If the instance is stopping and there is an attempt to terminate the sockets simultaneously , only one can close without an error
Option 1 - db2set DB2TCPCONNMGRS=1
Option 2 – Install DB2 version 9.5 FixPack 6
DB2 – verify DB2 is available - DBA DB2
Locate the DB2 connection port number on Linux - DBA DB2
DB2 - Collecting data for database performance problems - DBA DB2
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