20 June,2012 by Tom Collins
Question: This DB2 error message appears in the DB2Diag.LOG file
ZRC=0x800D002B=-2146631637=SQLM_RC_EVFULL "monitor full of data"
DIA8052C The Event Monitor "" has reached its file capacity. Delete
the files in the target directory "" or move them to another
How can I fix it?
Answer: There’s probably a limit on the event monitor size. To check the current size – connect to the database and issue the statement:
Find the event monitor name under the EVMONNAME column.
The main two options are to 1) Delete or move the event files in the target directory 2) Recreate a new event monitor with new size definitions
To drop a deadlock monitor read DB2 - Drop the DB2DETAILDEADLOCK event monitor
For a full definition of CREATE EVENT MONITOR
Read More on DB2 monitoring
How to monitor a deadlock in DB2 (DBA DB2)
DB2 - Drop the DB2DETAILDEADLOCK event monitor
How to read db2detaileventlock event monitor trace file (DBA DB2)
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