11 June,2012 by Tom Collins
I’m reading “Savages” by Don Winslow – it’s a stripped down thriller about drug cartels. How does this relate to DBAs?
There’s a passage where the main characters , Chon and Ben – apply some self criticism.
There system is :
Two will get you three.
An interesting idea , applied in the right context , can yield some insight into the inner workings of the IT professionals mind.
I applied this system to reviewing some High Priority problems as an experiment.
Which of these (either one or combination) characteristics existed that may have contributed to either : a) create the situation or b) delay the resolution . ?
In the last week , here are the top five reasons based on this analysis. Of course , Database Server problems can be complex – sometimes out of the control of the DBA. Database Servers are part of a large IT ecosystem.
1) Couldn’t restore the backup from last night , as the Operations team hadn’t rerun the a failed backup
2) Disk drive filled – on the data drive
3) A developer logged on to a Production system and dropped a table.
4) The Backup & Restore software couldn’t restore a database with multiple files , due to a bug . Operations were aware of the bug and had been very slow in applying the fix pack
5)REORG job still running at start of business time – killing performance
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