19 June,2012 by Tom Collins
db2exfmt - Explain Table Format Command - gives information needed to tune the query .One of the DBA objectives is to decrease the query cost. Decreased query cost equals quicker user response. Decreasing the query cost – improves overall performance.
Read the post - DB2 Tuning Toolkit – db2expln - to analyse the accesspath for a specific query.
Read the post - DB2 Tuning Toolkit – DB2 Design advisor - Ddb2advis - for index recommnedations
A syntax and process example:
Step 1 – Create the source file
Put a query in a input file called index.sql. This is just a sample query
select SUBSTR(TBNAME,1,40), SUBSTR(TBCREATOR,1,10), substr(name,1,30), SUBSTR(CREATOR,1,8),substr(colnames,1,60), firstkeycard, fullkeycard, sequential_pages, density, iid, uniquerule, stats_time, colnames from sysibm.sysindexes a ORDER BY tbcreator, TBNAME, NAME;
Step 2 Execute the db2exfmt command
db2 set current explain mode explain db2 –tvf indextune.sql db2exfmt -1 –d myDB –o db2exfmt.out
The output will be be similar to :
******************** EXPLAIN INSTANCE ******************** DB2_VERSION: 09.05.3 SOURCE_NAME: SQLC2G15 SOURCE_SCHEMA: NULLID SOURCE_VERSION: EXPLAIN_TIME: 2012-06-19- EXPLAIN_REQUESTER: *********** Database Context: ---------------- Parallelism: None CPU Speed: 2.361721e-07 Comm Speed: 0 Buffer Pool size: 138228 Sort Heap size: 7157 Database Heap size: 2761 Lock List size: 72726 Maximum Lock List: 97 Average Applications: 1 Locks Available: 4514830 Package Context: --------------- SQL Type: Dynamic Optimization Level: 5 Blocking: Block All Cursors Isolation Level: Cursor Stability ---------------- STATEMENT 1 SECTION 201 ---------------- QUERYNO: 1 QUERYTAG: CLP Statement Type: Select Updatable: No Deletable: No Query Degree: 1 Original Statement: ------------------ select SUBSTR(TBNAME,1,40), SUBSTR(TBCREATOR,1,10), substr(name,1,30), SUBSTR(CREATOR,1,8),substr(colnames,1,60), firstkeycard, fullkeycard, sequential_pages, density, iid, uniquerule, stats_time, colnames from sysibm.sysindexes a WHERE density = 1 AND iid = 3 Optimized Statement: ------------------- SELECT SUBSTR(Q1.TBNAME, 1, 40), SUBSTR(Q1.TBCREATOR, 1, 10), SUBSTR(Q1.NAME, 1, 30), SUBSTR(Q1.CREATOR, 1, 8), SUBSTR(Q1.COLNAMES, 1, 60), Q1.FIRSTKEYCARD AS "FIRSTKEYCARD", Q1.FULLKEYCARD AS "FULLKEYCARD", Q1.SEQUENTIAL_PAGES AS "SEQUENTIAL_PAGES", 1 AS "DENSITY", Q1.IID AS "IID", Q1.UNIQUERULE AS "UNIQUERULE", Q1.STATS_TIME AS "STATS_TIME", Q1.COLNAMES AS "COLNAMES" FROM SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES AS Q1 WHERE (Q1.IID = 3) AND (Q1.DENSITY = 1) Access Plan: ----------- Total Cost: 140.165 Query Degree: 1 Rows RETURN ( 1) Cost I/O | 0.107904 TBSCAN ( 2) 140.165 72 | 1261 TABLE: SYSIBM SYSINDEXES Q1 Extended Diagnostic Information: -------------------------------- No extended Diagnostic Information for this statement. Plan Details: ------------- 1) RETURN: (Return Result) Cumulative Total Cost: 140.165 Cumulative CPU Cost: 3.57774e+06 Cumulative I/O Cost: 72 Cumulative Re-Total Cost: 0.755584 Cumulative Re-CPU Cost: 3.19929e+06 Cumulative Re-I/O Cost: 0 Cumulative First Row Cost: 140.06 Estimated Bufferpool Buffers: 72 Arguments: --------- BLDLEVEL: (Build level) DB2 v9.5.0.3 : s081118 HEAPUSE : (Maximum Statement Heap Usage) 112 Pages STMTHEAP: (Statement heap size) 4096 Input Streams: ------------- 2) From Operator #2 Estimated number of rows: 0.107904 Number of columns: 13 Subquery predicate ID: Not Applicable Column Names: ------------ +Q2.COLNAMES+Q2.STATS_TIME+Q2.UNIQUERULE +Q2.IID+Q2.DENSITY+Q2.SEQUENTIAL_PAGES +Q2.FULLKEYCARD+Q2.FIRSTKEYCARD+Q2.$C4+Q2.$C3 +Q2.$C2+Q2.$C1+Q2.$C0 2) TBSCAN: (Table Scan) Cumulative Total Cost: 140.165 Cumulative CPU Cost: 3.57724e+06 Cumulative I/O Cost: 72 Cumulative Re-Total Cost: 0.755467 Cumulative Re-CPU Cost: 3.1988e+06 Cumulative Re-I/O Cost: 0 Cumulative First Row Cost: 140.06 Estimated Bufferpool Buffers: 72 Arguments: --------- MAXPAGES: (Maximum pages for prefetch) ALL PREFETCH: (Type of Prefetch) SEQUENTIAL ROWLOCK : (Row Lock intent) NEXT KEY SHARE SCANDIR : (Scan Direction) FORWARD TABLOCK : (Table Lock intent) INTENT SHARE TBISOLVL: (Table access Isolation Level) CURSOR STABILITY Predicates: ---------- 2) Sargable Predicate Comparison Operator: Equal (=) Subquery Input Required: No Filter Factor: 0.0412371 Predicate Text: -------------- (Q1.IID = 3) 3) Sargable Predicate Comparison Operator: Equal (=) Subquery Input Required: No Filter Factor: 0.00207507 Predicate Text: -------------- (Q1.DENSITY = 1) Input Streams: ------------- 1) From Object SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES Estimated number of rows: 1261 Number of columns: 13 Subquery predicate ID: Not Applicable Column Names: ------------ +Q1.$RID$+Q1.STATS_TIME+Q1.UNIQUERULE +Q1.SEQUENTIAL_PAGES+Q1.FULLKEYCARD +Q1.FIRSTKEYCARD+Q1.COLNAMES+Q1.CREATOR +Q1.NAME+Q1.TBCREATOR+Q1.TBNAME+Q1.IID +Q1.DENSITY Output Streams: -------------- 2) To Operator #1 Estimated number of rows: 0.107904 Number of columns: 13 Subquery predicate ID: Not Applicable Column Names: ------------ +Q2.COLNAMES+Q2.STATS_TIME+Q2.UNIQUERULE +Q2.IID+Q2.DENSITY+Q2.SEQUENTIAL_PAGES +Q2.FULLKEYCARD+Q2.FIRSTKEYCARD+Q2.$C4+Q2.$C3 +Q2.$C2+Q2.$C1+Q2.$C0
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