18 June,2012 by Tom Collins
Question: I get these buffer pool messages in the db2diag.log as sever status. How can I fix?
Database will come up with hidden buffer pools
Answer: When a server has insufficient addressable memory space left and the main buffer pools are to large the DB2 database will not start.
As it won’t start , the DBA cannot connect to the database and change the buffer pool sizes. In that situation, the DB2 database will start with the pre-allocated four small buffer pools.
Querying buffer pools - "SELECT * FROM SYSCAT.BUFFERPOOLS” will not allow you to view the hidden bufferpools.
To view the hidden bufferepools
db2pd -db dbname -bufferpools --returns IBMSYSTEMBP16K IBMSYSTEMBP32K IBMSYSTEMBP4K IBMSYSTEMBP8K
Once the database is started with the four small buffer pools , connect to the database and decrease the size of the main buffer pools or add more memory to all the main bufferpools to initiate
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