01 May,2012 by Tom Collins
Question : I am seeing this SQL0911N Reason Code 68 message in my DB2 diaglog file:
command : db2 backup db MYDB online use TSM include logs SQL0911N The current transaction has been rolled back because of a deadlock or timeout. Reason code "68". SQLSTATE=40001
How do I fix this SQL0911N error?
Answer: The DB2 command line error utility shows this detailfor the SQL0911N Reason Code 68 error., indicating that the SQL0911N error is caused by a deadlock or locktimeout.
A DB2 ONLINE backup attempts to obtain a IN lock on tables in SMS table spaces. DB2 tries to upgrade BLOB fileds to an S LOCK during an ONLINE backup.
If an application is holding a lock incompatible with the ONLINE backup lock attempt, The ONLINE BACKUP waits for the period of the LOCKTIMEOUT , where the ONLINE backup fails.
1) Analyse scheduled backup times and move to a quieter time frame
2) Change table space to DMS from SMS. DMS doesn’t require the SHARE lock for BLOBs
3) Force the application off.
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