23 March,2012 by Tom Collins
This DB2 error message SQL2219N reason code 9 appeared in the db2 db2diag file.
The DB2 documentation details for reason code 9 are “START is not allowed as a prior paused table reorganization has not been stopped”.
I discovered there was a scheduled maintenance of the databases – 1) REORG - managing reorg of tables (and indexes). 2) RUNSTATS
It conflicted with the AUTO_REORG on the databases. Turning off AUTO_REORG stopped the error occurring.
2012-03-18- E2273446E603 LEVEL: Error PID : 25077 TID : 189054052704 PROC : db2sysc INSTANCE: db2tdw NODE : 000 DB :MYDB APPHDL : 0-17413 APPID: *LOCAL.db2tdw.120319003038 AUTHID : DB2JV EDUID : 82 EDUNAME: db2agent (MYDB) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldOLRValidate, probe:100 MESSAGE : ADM5590E The specified INPLACE table reorganization action on table "DB2JV .DATA_DETAILS" is not allowed on this node because of SQLCODE -2219 reason code "9".
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