Troubleshooting ADM13001E IBMOSauthclient and db2secGetDefaultLoginContext

20 March,2012 by Tom Collins

2012-03-14- E1040722932E430     LEVEL: Severe
PID     : 26754                TID  : 182956718112 PROC : db2bp
INSTANCE: db2my               NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, bsu security, sqlexGetDefaultLoginContext, probe:150
MESSAGE : ADM13001E  Plug-in "IBMOSauthclient" received error code "-2" from 
          the DB2 security plug-in API "db2secGetDefaultLoginContext" with the 
          error message " ".


Determines the user associated with the default login context, in other words, determines the DB2 authid of the user invoking a DB2 command without explicitly specifying a user ID

The db2secGetDefaultLoginContext API returns the user of the default login context.  In the situation , where a DB2 command is executed , but a user ID is not stated.



 1) The error occurs because either an authid or user ID (or both) are not returned .

2) These errors occur sporadically – and are considered severe by DB2.

3) This is an OS authentication issue – where some third party  is attempting to logon.

4) Typically, the issue by  adding the user to /etc/passwd  or some other list .

5) Investigate all scans occurring on the server , and map occurrence of  errors with scan

6) If Quest is installed , check  logs  for critical errors



See Also

Quest 3.5.2 crashing DB2 9.5



Author: Rambler(


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