22 October,2011 by Tom Collins
“In 2013 PC install base will be 1.78 billion”
“Smartphone install base to be 1.32 billion in 2013”
“By 2013, 505 million enhanced phones with advanced browsers in use”
“Mobile phones will drive more web accesses than PCs from 2013”
“By 2013, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most commonweb access device worldwide”
These quotes are part of a Gartner Top Predictions webinar.
The consequences for Database servers are significant .
What does this mean for DBAs ?
1) More electronic transactions through mobile phones than the PC. Applications will be redesigned for a thinner\faster client.
2) More emphasis on database servers and universal caching , for data reads and commits.
3) SQL Performance Tuning requirements will increase. Why?
Regular change requests for :
b) Data volume and integration changes due to new products\markets and compliance regulations
c) Transaction volume changes – multiple sales channels
d) Availability (Disaster Recovery and High Availability) – 24 x7
e) Server consolidation model – OLTP and real time analysis.
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