23 August,2011 by Tom Collins
Setting HADR_PEER_WINDOW at zero , only blocks primary transactions for the time specified in HADR_TIMEOUT.
If the HADR_PEER_WINDOW is set to greater than zero, then the Primary database waits until the connection is restored or the HADR_PEER_WINDOW period finishes.
Connections between the Primary and Standby databases are temporarily broken .
Possible reasons can be:
a) network
b) OS issues
c) DB2 problems. How to report a DB2 performance problem
Leaving the HADR_PEER_WINDOW at zero , is beneficial to maintain availability. At zero, soon as the connection between Primary and Standby closes , the Primary is no longer in Peer state.
Therefore ,
a) For data consistency , go for a non-zero value
b) For data availability , consider a zero value
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