27 June,2011 by Tom Collins
Software unit testing is normally a formalised approach to test code and system implementations.
DB2 sql loop test is sometimes requested by developers to the DB2 DBA .
This code is a stored procedure the DB2 DBA can set up and test .
The code creates a table : “test” and a stored procedure : “sum_mn”
An example execute of the code as :call sum_mn 1,1000,?
This starts from 1 loops through to 1000 and adding at every loop
#############CODE START############################### CREATE TABLE test (num INT); CREATE PROCEDURE sum_mn (IN p_start INT ,IN p_end INT ,OUT p_sum INT) SPECIFIC sum_mn LANGUAGE SQL smn: BEGIN DECLARE v_temp INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_current INTEGER; SET v_current = p_start; WHILE (v_current <= p_end) DO INSERT INTO test VALUES(v_current); SET v_temp = v_temp + v_current; SET v_current = v_current + 1; END WHILE; SET p_sum = v_temp; END smn; ######################CODE FINIS########################
DB2 sql loop test code is useful in performance testing and general DB2 code development
Author: Jack Vamvas(http://www.dba-db2.com)
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