25 June,2011 by Tom Collins
DB2 9 Fundamentals Certification is completed.After a few years of avoidance , I decided to attain some DB2 certifications. I’d always placed greater emphasis on self study and experience. But having completed the first certification, I was pleasantly surprised about the level of detail required to do well.
After some initial research – I decided upon the relevant path for certification as DBA for LUW. This involved :
I purchased a book – DB2 9 Fundamentals by Roger E. Sanders – which is a very well written book – with test questions per subject and a longer exam at the end. This gives you a good flavour of the type of questions asked. I did supplement these questions with other downloadable test questions.
As I’ve worked with DB2 – I didn’t take any courses specific for this test , and in my opinion I did get more out of the process – as I’d had experience.
The areas required for study – and related % of test are:
1)Planning (14%)
2)Security (11%)
3)Working with Databases and Database Objects (17%)
4)Working with DB2 data using SQL and XQuery (23%)
5)Working with DB2 Tables,Views and Indexes (23%)
6)Data Concurrency (11%)
The questions are multiple choice – but this does not necessarily make it easier. If you don’t know the material – the subtle differences between the answers could potentially be difficult.
Overall the main benefit – is the requirement to revise some area that you may not use regularly, therefore forcing you to refresh (or learn ) your knowledge.
DB2 9 Fundamentals Certification is over and I’ve just started studying for the second exam - IBM Certified Database Administrator.
Author: Jack Vamvas(http://www.dba-db2.com)This is only a preview. Your comment has not yet been posted.
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