19 May,2011 by Tom Collins
The regular comment passed by DBA s is “90 % of the overall db performance is based on the code written against it”
There is truth to this comment , and large amounts are written on optimising queries on DB2 databases. DB2 database design physical supports logical database design
This comment came up today at a team meeting . It turned out the developer wrote a query assuming an index existed – and the query reflected this assumption. It turned out the index was missing
Good physical design is important , and in most cases the DBA is responsible for either creating the physical design or signing off on the design
Physical design is a big topic including:
-data type choice
-index design
-multidimensional clustering
-Materialized query table
A coder can only work the existing DB2 database design : logical and physical
Source:Jack Vamvas(http://www.dba-db2.com)
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