17 May,2011 by Tom Collins
I encountered a windows locked file , while doing a TSM file backup causing an error . I used Handle , which identifies windows locked files.
I received the following message in the Event Viewer when File Incremental backups are taken .
ANE4007E (Session: 80258, Node: BRTM7030) Error
processing '\\ BRTM7030\c$\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framew-
7031': access to the object is denied (SESSION: 80258)
The message relates to the file outlined below enterprisesec.config.cch.5816.7354-
7031' .
The same error has occurred since the Date Modified below .
When attempting to delete the file , I receive a Access is denied
I downloaded and ran the excellent program Handle a utility listing open handles for any process in the system .
This identified the open handle- which I stopped . This allowed me to delete the file
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