DB2 Database Administration Server (DAS) Notes

04 February,2011 by Tom Collins

DB2 tools require an instance that is independent of all other instances , but works with all the other instances is the main reason for DAS

 Only one DAS instance per server

 A global level profile registry DB2ADMINSERVER contains the DAS instance name.

To view the variable value use db2set –all

 DAS runs as a background process – and restarts automatically on reboot.

 To manage a DB2 server remotely DAS server must be running. DAS server provides remote clients with relevant information to connect

 Server administration from a remote client requires requires the user to have SYSADM authority for the DAS instance

Control Center and Configuration Assistant are assisted by DAS as follows:

-          Enabling capacity to run user defined shell scripts  that have DB2 and OS commands

-          Jobs > scheduling,viewing, performing admin tasks

-          Allows DB2 discovery to discover and collate information about DB2 instances

 To view the DAS instance configuration file – use the command:


 Output :

 Authentication Type DAS                (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER_ENCRYPT

  DAS Administration Authority Group Name  (DASADM_GROUP) =

  DAS Discovery Mode                           (DISCOVER) = SEARCH

 Name of the DB2 Server System               (DB2SYSTEM) = MYDB2SERVER

  Java Development Kit Installation Path DAS   (JDK_PATH) = AUTOMATIC (/home/mydasur/das/java/jdk)

 Java Development Kit Installation Path DAS   (JDK_64_PATH) = AUTOMATIC (/home/mydasur/das/java/jdk)

  DAS Code Page                            (DAS_CODEPAGE) = 0

 DAS Territory                           (DAS_TERRITORY) = 0

  Location of Contact List                 (CONTACT_HOST) =

 Execute Expired Tasks                   (EXEC_EXP_TASK) = NO

 Scheduler Mode                           (SCHED_ENABLE) = OFF

 SMTP Server                               (SMTP_SERVER) =

 Tools Catalog Database                    (TOOLSCAT_DB) =

 Tools Catalog Database Instance         (TOOLSCAT_INST) =

 Tools Catalog Database Schema         (TOOLSCAT_SCHEMA) =

 Scheduler User ID                                       =


 Diagnostic error capture level              (DIAGLEVEL) = 2


Author: Rambler(http://www.dba-db2.com)


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