05 January,2011 by Tom Collins
1)Putty client
2)Username\Password of a valid Linux user
3)Username,hostname,password of MySQL server
4)Database name – assume it’s called MYDB
Logon to Linux server using Putty with information from step 2) of Prerequisites
From the command line type:
replacing USERNAME,HOST and PASSWORD with valid details from step 3) of Prerequisites
If successful you’ll see a message such as : Welcome to the MySQL Monitor and the mysql prompt:
To use a database do, which will change the context :
mysql>use MYDB;
To list all tables:
mysql>show tables;
| Tables_in_MYDB |
| archive |
| category |
| categorylinks |
| change_tag |
| external_user |
| externallinks |
| filearchive |
| hitcounter |
To select some records from a table :
mysql>SELECT * FROM archive;
This is a basic introduction – check out the mysql reference for more DML options
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