24 May,2010 by Tom Collins
1. A functioning TSM client and server must be installed and configured. In addition, the TSM client API must be installed on each DB2® server.
2. Set the environment variables used by the TSM client API:
Identifies the user-defined directory path where the API trusted agent file (dsmtca) is located.
Identifies the user-defined directory path to the dsm.opt file, which contains the TSM user options. Unlike the other two variables, this variable should contain a fully qualified path and file name.
Identifies the user-defined directory path where the error log (dsierror.log) will be created.
Note: In a multi-partition database environment these settings must be specified in the sqllib/userprofile directory.
1. Create a copy of “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/ dsm.opt.smp” as ““/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/ dsm_db2.opt”
$cp dsm.opt.smp dsm_db2.opt
Create a copy of “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/ dsm.sys.smp” as ““/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/ dsm.sys”
$cp dsm.sys.smp dsm.sys
Configure dsm.sys –
an example is :
SErvername myserver_db2 COMMMethod TCPip TCPPort 1500 TCPServeraddress myserver.com NODename MYNODE_DB2 PASSWORDACCESS generate
note: ensure that the following files have 775 permissions
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.opt /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm.sys /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm_db2.opt
2. Place the line : “SErvername myserver_db2” in
Note: Assuming myserver_db2 is the correct name
#Place the following entry in the /<instance_owner>/sqllib/userprofile
#ensure the the paths are correct
DSMI_CONFIG=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin/dsm_db2.opt DSMI_DIR=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin DSMI_LOG=//tsmlog export DSMI_CONFIG DSMI_DIR DSMI_LOG
3. If any changes are made to these environment variables and the database manager is running, you should:
• Stop the database manager using the db2stop command.
• Start the database manager using the db2start command.
4. Depending on the server's configuration, a Tivoli® client might require a password to interface with a TSM server. If the TSM environment is configured to use PASSWORDACCESS=generate, the Tivoli client needs to have its password established.
The executable file dsmapipw is installed in the sqllib/adsm directory of the instance owner. This executable allows you to establish and reset the TSM password.
Export the environment variables created in the above section , in the root security context
To execute the dsmapipw command, you must be logged in as the local administrator or "root" user. When this command is executed, you will be prompted for the following information:
• Old password, which is the current password for the TSM node, as recognized by the TSM server. The first time you execute this command, this password will be the one provided by the TSM administrator at the time your node was registered on the TSM server.
• New password, which is the new password for the TSM node, stored at the TSM server. (You will be prompted twice for the new password, to check for input errors.)
Note: Users who invoke the BACKUP DATABASE or RESTORE DATABASE commands do not need to know this password. You only need to run the dsmapipw command to establish a password for the initial connection, and after the password has been reset on the TSM server.
DB2 and TSM Cross-node recovery - DBA DB2
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